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ISSTA Secretary General Dr. Rayleigh Chiang is now an European Sleep Research Society (ESRS) certified expert somnologist after passing the very strict ESRS Examination in Sleep Medicine held in Berlin on 11 April 2013 during the 2nd Sleep and Breathing conference. Dr. Chiang is the only scholar who gets this honor from Asia and is joined by the company of 121 other ESRS certified expert somnologists in the world -- a very exclusive honor. The other 2 sleep experts as ISSTA members who also passed this certification are: Prof. Thomas Penzel (President) & Dr. Jose Haba-Rubio (Co-Chair, R&D Committee). This is the second and last examination directed exclusively at “grandfathers” and “grandmothers”. “Grandparenting” is a procedure which applies to professionals with wide experience in sleep medicine and research. It is envisioned by the ESRS that the “grandparents” in this context may take the lead in future European and National activities to promote sleep medicine professionals.

ESRS officially announced list of certified expert somnologists:

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