ISSTA Sleep Technology Industry Forum will take place on March 18, 2013 from 13:00 to 16:30 at the Far Eastern Hotel in Taipei, Taiwan.
Main speakers and topics as follows:
Frontier of Modern Sleep TechnologyRayleigh, Ping-Ying Chiang, M.D., M.M.S.Secretary General of ISSTA
"How To Facilitate IP Transfer From Academia to Industry In The Sleep Technology Field - from the impact of chronobiology on occupational demands, medical conditions, and lifestyles"
Hans Van Dongen, Ph.D.Co-Director, IP Platform ISSTAResearch Professor & Assistant Director, Sleep Performance Research Center, Washington State University
Sleep Technology Industry AnalysisGJ Huang, Ph.D.,
Chair of ISSTA Industrial CommitteeInstitute of Information Industry (III), Taiwan
"How The Technological Side Of Sleep Medicine Has Changed Until Now And Is Likely To Change In The Future"Sharon Keenan, Ph.D.Vice-Chair of ISSTA Education CommitteeDirector, School of Sleep Mdeicine, Stanford, U.S.A.
"Sleep Technology Initiative In The Asia-Pacific Area: Potential in APEC"Mignonne Chan, Ph.D.Chair of ISSTA International CommitteeCEO, Global Strength Institute
Speakers will be followed by an expert forum conducted by Rayleigh, Ping-Ying Chiang, M.D., M.M.S., Secretary General of ISSTA